Well the day after an epic day you need to take it a little easy. Not to mention the forecast called for some rain in the afternoon. So we hopped in the car and drove out of our little valley to visit Brienz. It's a nice little town on the far end of Lac Brienz.
We were greeted by this guy
Where's Waldo?
Then while standing on the waterfront walkway that runs the entire length of town we were approached by a swan and a cygnet
They followed us for some time
Until they arrived at their home
The walkway is decorated with nice flower arrangements
And we couldn't resist a bit of goophing off on our rest day
Wouldn't this be a nice house and garden to have backing onto the lake?
We walked by the beach area
And the town church
Then we headed back to our favourite valley and to our hotel. While enjoying a coffee in the sitting area the storm hit. It poured rain, and we heard the thunder echoing up and down the valley.....just as we had hoped would happen while we were here, but not in the middle of a long hike.
Then it was off to the laundromat to take care of some stinky hiking clothes.....sorry no pics of that excitement. Our timing was perfect because the rain had just stopped and now there was that wonderful smell all through the valley. They've had a very hot and dry summer here so the rain is needed. During our recent hikes we noticed that some of the 72 waterfalls in the valley are either running very slowly, or not at all.
Then it was off for another wonderful Swiss meal, then back to our patio to sip on some wine and watch darkness descend on our little oasis. You might be able to make out the spotlight which is just coming on to light Staubbach Falls
Will tomorrow be an easy day......stay tuned to see. Nighty night!